Chiropractic Lifestyle Studio
Mon- 2:00pm-6:30pm Tues/Wed/Thurs-8:30am-12:30pm & 2:00pm-6:30pm Fri-8:30am-2:00pm
Driving Directions:
We are located in the new Woodward Corners Plaza. Our office is on the south west corner of the plaza closest to Woodward Corners Market and facing Beaumont Hospital.
About Us
Chiropractic Lifestyle Stuios - The art of living.
Chiropractic Lifestyle Studios is founded on the principles of the CHIROPRACTIC profession that respects life and natural living, especially the recognition of the body as a self-developing, self-maintaining, self-healing wonder.
Our care is technologically innovative, scientifically-based, non-invasive and patient centered. Our primary focus is chiropractic care that will impact your entire family and create a healthy lifestyle. This is care that takes YOUR health goals into account. We listen, We care, We trust you, We will partner with you. Your goals are OUR goals.Highlights
- The art of chiropractic focuses on brain and nervous system health.
- OUR STORY We recognize the body is a beautiful, complex, self-developing, self-adapting and self-healing system.
- Chiropractic's clinical approach is to correct spinal malfunctions that interfere with your nervous system.
- From the moment you enter CLS our entire team of professionals are available to you.
- Schedule your $50 Discovery Exam today!
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